Nyjah Huston Takes 1st
Nyjah Huston claimed his 17th SLS first place victory on August 28, 2016 at the Nike SB World Tour. Huston got ahead of Chris Joslin and Tommy Fynn who came in second and third place. Huston takes home not only the victory, but also the $80,000 prize.
The 2016 SLS Nike SB Super Crown World Championship will take place on October 2 in Los Angeles, CA, the birthplace of skateboarding. The following top eight elite street skateboarders will go head to head to compete for that Super Crown World Championship title: Shane O’Neill, Paul Rodriguez, Nyjah Huston, Tom Asta, Luan Oliveira, Cody McEntire, Ryan Decenzo and Chris Joslin.

In the Preliminaries, Nyjah accomplished a Switch Frontside Feeble Grind on the handrail which got him an 8.6. In his second run, Nyjah Huston blasted a huge gap Backside Lipslide on the long kinked rail, a speedy Backside Nosegrind on the quarterpipe. After, he suceeded a Kickflip Frontside Boardslide on the flatbar, a Frontside Smith Grind over smaller channel feature on the quarterpipe, popping an Ollie over the gap into the quarterpipe to set up for a perfect Backside Smith Grind through the kinked rail. Then he fulfilled a 360 Kickflip over the banked gap to finish strong with a Nollie Backside Over-Crooked Grind down the handrail earning him an 8.5