Nike to Expand Its Offices to NYC with a New World Headquarters

Nike HQ

Nike to Expand Its Offices to NYC with a New World Headquarters

News first broke last year about Nike parting ways with their Googleplex location last April. And ever since then, investors and common consumers had been put on hold trying to figure out where the company would land next. Well today, Nike opened its doors to show the world its new space. My favorite among the building’s features has to be the arena style basketball court with seating up to 400. With plans to use this space for basketball leagues around the New York area. It will also be available to all of Nike’s staff respectively. Y’all hiring though? If you’re in NY, stop by 855th and 6th Ave to see the new walls.

Take a glance inside of the 150,000 square foot 6 story building space:

Nike HQ

Nike HQ

